Street Studios

My grandparents and my two great uncles, along with my mother as a little girl in a photographers studio in Johannesburg in 1939.
All the years I was growing up, hanging in the hallway of my childhood home in South Africa was an old black and white photograph of my grandparents, my great uncles and my mother as a toddler, posing in a photographer’s studio.
They were recent economic migrants to South Africa from a small village on a little island in Greece. I would stare for hours at the photograph, my grandparents looking young and glamorous, dressed in their finest; at my 3-year-old mother, sitting obediently with curls in her hair; at the studio painted backdrop of a misty romantic scene. Though they had just left their whole world behind in search of a better life, to me they looked like elegant characters from a tale my grandmother would tell. This family photograph, of all the images I have, is my most treasured.
First created in March 2011, the Street Studio project is a communal family photo album which has set up free outdoor photographic studios on more than 20 street corners and public spaces around the world. In each community we visited we created public photo studio sets and invited any passing families and individuals to pose for a portrait.
The photos were then printed on site for free with a photo printer for the participant to take away with them for their own family album. From street corners in informal settlements in Cape Town, to refugee camps in the DRC and South Sudan, a working rock quarry in Madagascar, a few neighbourhoods in Mumbai, India, and parks and migrant shelters in Tijuana, Mexico, the studios are set up with the understanding that a family photograph can be a powerful and precious object.
Both a participatory art performance as well as a communal gathering space, the Studios are open and at the same time very intimate. By creating space for public displays of love and identity, they offer the community and individuals an affirmation of heritage and belonging. With thousands of photographs taken over an almost 8 year period, the Street Studio is an archive of family and love, an archive that documents not what makes things fall apart but what keeps them together.

Wall Piano / بيانو الجدار
In 2018 in Qalandia refugee camp in Ramallah, a frontline of the West Bank conflict, 12 year old Nada had an idea for a short film - a surreal reimagining of the nine meter high 708km long wall that Israel built around the West Bank in 2002. The resulting short, ‘Wall Piano’, takes us into the daydream of a child who lives under the shadow of a separation wall, showing the wall as something other than a brutal and immovable barrier. The film arose from a series of workshops with artists Asma Ghanem (Palestine), Christopher Marianetti (USA), Alexia Webster (South Africa) and a group of children living in the long-standing refugee camp.
Directors: Asma Ghanem, Christopher Marianetti & Alexia Webster
Music & Editing: Christopher Marianetti
Sound: Christopher Botta
Producers: Elena Moon Park & Found Sound Nation
Hogsback- A Village in the Clouds

For almost 2 months I joined the crew of the Ocean Viking, a rescue ship on the Mediterranean Sea, as we patrolled this unearthly realm, looking for shipwrecked people stuck in a limbo between their past and their dreams of their future, a no mans land where many thousands of souls have been lost forever.
During the trip we were able to rescue a group of 114 migrants that had fled Libya to try each Europe, most of them young refugees from the conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia and Eritrea.